6th European Conference for Social Work Research

  • Anthon Sand Jørgensen (Deltager)
  • Anthon Sand Jørgensen (Deltager)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerKonference


Reflective Social Work Practices in Contemporary Societies: Dialogues and New Pathways between Praxis and Research.

In times of uncertainties and rapid changes, reflectivity emerges as an important strategy for social workers to prevent the bureaucratization of their action, to maintain the quality standards of intervention and to develop the critical thinking necessary to feed creativity, alternative proposals and the exploration of new pathways for intervention, but also for research and the bridging of these two domains.
Periode30 mar. 20161 apr. 2016
PlaceringLissabon, PortugalVis på kort