Through the lens of posthumane methodologies, we aim to rethink science-pedagogy by considering the research project “Becoming with the moon” - a research project where adults, children and scientists together create different kinds of universes in which they investigate the moon. In the concept of ethico-onto-epistemology (Haraway, 2016; Barad, 2003, 2007) we argue that planetary problems are a response to dualistic thinking; human/non humans, culture/nature, children/adults, arts/science. We explore the notion of pedagogical science practice through diffractive methodology inspired by Barad (2007). Working with diffraction as methodology means exploring the effects of differences, which emerges from intra-actions between research technologies, pedagogical practices, the non-human and human, as a way to overcome dualism. We conducted qualitative observations and interviews, and through the lense of the post human paradigm we did three distinct diffractive readings utilizing data from the research project “Becoming with the Moon” 1) Science practice 2) Science pedagogical ways of relating 3) Worlding (Haraway, 2016). We adhere to Barads ethics as a matter of justice in knowledge production and emergent listening (Davies, 2014) to engage in childrens perspectives, and participants could withdraw at any time during the project. The diffractive readings invite us to think in alternative ways of entanglement of facts and fiction in science pedagogy: We move focus from foregrounding learning facts to open-ended ways of becoming. In the sustainable agenda the findings have the potential to disturb well-known ways of producing knowledge by including bodies, emotions, materials, and social dynamics.Periode | 4 sep. 2024 |
Begivenhedstitel | European Early Childhood Education Research Association |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Placering | Brighton, StorbritannienVis på kort |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |
- Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
- science environments
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