Dear COOLGEOHEAT Participants and other Stakeholders,You are cordially invited to the final workshop on fifth-generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) systems to be held on September 13-14 at Lund University as a part of our INTERREG project. The objective of the workshop is to collect, collate and disseminate gained knowledge from within the project participants and across the stakeholders and colleagues engaged in the design and operation of 5GDHC systems.
The agenda includes a series of very interesting presentations, keynote speeches, and a study visit. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion and a group exercise for business strategy and innovation. The agenda of the meeting is provided in the following. We request you to confirm your participation in the workshop asap and no later than September 2.
Agenda for COOLGEOHEAT final workshop, 220913-14, Lund
Tuesday September 13th
From To Topic Speaker Organization Presentation (minutes) Q&A (minutes)
09:45 10:00 Coffee and registration 15
10:00 10:15 Official start of meeting 15
10:15 10:30 Welcome, agenda, introduction Saqib Javed LTH 15
10:30 11:00 Overview of COOLGEOHEAT and its WPs Søren and Saqib VIA/LTH 20 10
11:00 11:45 Presentation 1: Modelling & case studies Marwan Abugabbara LTH 30 15
11:45 13:15 Lunch break 90
13:15 14:35 Study visit to ectogrid system at Medicon Village 80
14:45 15:15 Presentation 2: Modelling & case studies Karl/Søren VIA 20 10
15:15 15:30 Discussion on limitations and future modelling work (The CHANGE project) 15
15:30 15:45 Coffee break 15
15:45 16:15 Presentation 3: Heat pumps testing and modelling Martin Larsson RISE 20 15
16:15 16:30 Discussion on heat pump performance in 5GDHC 15
16:30 17:00 Presentation 4: Optimisation platform Filippa/Jared Utilifeed 20 10
19:00 21:00 Restaurant dinner (shared cost)
Wednesday September 14th
08:45 09:00 Coffee and gathering 15
09:00 09:30 Key speech 1 TBD 30
09:30 10:00 Key speech 2 TBD 30
10:00 10:15 Discussion based on key speaker 15
10:15 10:30 Coffee break 15
10:30 11:15 Presentation 1: Business models Christian Preuthun Pedersen VIA 45
11:15 11:30 Presentation 2: Business models Marwan Abugabbara LTH 15
11:30 11:45 Discussion on business models 15
11:45 13:15 Lunch break 60
13:15 14:30 Roadmap exercise for business strategy and innovation All participants 60 15
14:30 15:30 Panel discussion with coffee break TBD 60
15:30 16:00 Future work, COOLGEOHEAT II, new applications Saqib/Søren 30
We look forward to seeing you in Lund.
Best regards,
Periode | 13 sep. 2022 → 14 sep. 2022 |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |