ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress

  • Bente Høy (Foredragsholder)

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Nursing home residents’ narratives on maintaining dignity
Purpose. The overall purpose of this cross-country Nordic study was to gain further knowledge about dignity in nursing homes and the circumstances which may have an impact on it. The aim of this part of the study is to present the results pertaining nursing home residents’ experiences on how to maintain dignity?
Background. Dignity is an important concept in eldercare, and its maintenance can contribute to quality of life. There have been several attempts to define dignity as a theoretical concept, but few studies on how to maintain dignity from the perspective of the nursing home residents.
Method. This qualitative study has a descriptive and explorative design, based on qualitative individual research interviews. Twenty-eight nursing home residents were included from six nursing homes in Scandinavia. A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, inspired by Ricoeur was used to understand the meaning of the narrated text.
Findings. The interpretations revealed one main theme and three sub-themes contributing to promote and maintain dignity. The overall theme was: Coping with vulnerability and the subthemes were: a struggle for safety and positive body image; a struggle for choice and independence; and a struggle for meaning and involvement. The residents provide details of their experiences with respect to these coping strategies.
Conclusion. Although there is no one way to maintain dignity, the themes may be used as a framework for understanding what nursing home residents tend to value. The findings can help nurses better understand dignity in the context of vulnerability and eldercare.

Keywords Dignity, integrity, nursing home residents, vulnerability, phenomenological-hermeneutic approach

Periode19 maj 2013
BegivenhedstitelICN 25th Quadrennial Congress: Eqity and Access to Health Care
PlaceringMelbourne, AustralienVis på kort