International Business Review is the official journal of the European International Business Academy(EIBA), and the EIBA Board has scheduled an IBR Paper Development Workshop (IBR-PDW) as
part of the pre-conference programme of the 46
th EIBA Annual Conference (EIBA 2020) taking place
online, 10-12 December 2020.
The purpose of the IBR-PDW is to provide junior scholars with developmental feedback on their
current research projects in international business studies. While we hope that many of these papers
will be eventually submitted to IBR, the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of IB
research and bring new scholars into the IB field. We invite original papers from junior authors or
junior faculty members who have not previously published in International Business Review. In
particular, we hope to attract papers from scholars (1) who are located in universities in emerging
economies or in universities that offer limited support for international business research, and/or (2)
who are trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g., human geography,
political science, ethnography, or economic history) but interested in conducting international
business research.
Periode | 10 dec. 2020 |
Begivenhedstitel | International Business Review (IBR):Paper Development Workshop (PDW): 46 th EIBA Annual Conference |
Begivenhedstype | Workshop |
Placering | Madrid, SpanienVis på kort |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |