Teaching Philosophies in Entrepreneurship Education

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerSeminar


The pedagogical and didactical aspects of teaching in entrepreneurship education prevail as a major challenge to the field – both in theory and practical application. A pedagogic device of this progression is the research and practice on teaching philosophies and how they may help educators at higher education institutions to develop as entrepreneurship educators.
Constructing teaching philosophies has previously shown great value for the academic development of educators and institutions because of their systematic procedures toward addressing educator beliefs, goals, and practices.
This seminar will host leading scholars interested in the topic to present, discuss, and work together on teaching philosophies in higher education, portfolio practices, the educator role, and related topics.
Placed on Tuesday May 9th, 2023, the seminar will gather scholars that are planning to come to the 3E 2023 Conference later same week. In an interactive atmosphere, the seminar will enable new insights and ideas for future collaborations and paper developments. The seminar will take place at VIA University College centrally located in Aarhus and is open to both 3E Conference delegates for those arriving early but also other interested in the topic.
Periode9 maj 2023
Placering8000, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Skoler, fag og institutioner
  • Entrepreneurship Education