The 9th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF9) (Begivenhed)

Aktivitet: Udgivelse af peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typerReviewer/redaktør af publikationsserie


Lavet review på papers og abstracts til konferencen:
1) A Digital Learning Transformation Roadmap for 21st Century Education
2) The use of ICT in Open and Distance Learning (ODL): The Case of Botswana Open University (BOU), Masters in Educational Management and Leadership (MEDEL) Learners
3) A comparative study of Teachers’ Pedagogical Perception and Technology Usage in online and conventional mode of education at Graduation Level in Pakistan
4) Technology Enabled Learning Experience among International Baccalaureate Students Through BeED Experiential Mobile Learning App
5) Monitoring of MOOC on ICT-based Intervention Programme for School Teachers in Assam
6) Exploring the Potential of Mobile Learning in Distance Higher Education: A Case Study of the University of Jammu, Jammu, and Kashmir
7) Learning Analytics: Analysing Trends in online learning activities for Masters’ Students at Botswana Open University (BOU)
Periodefeb. 2019maj 2019
PlaceringEdinburgh, Scotland, StorbritannienVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational