The Potential of Praxeologic Perspectives and Methdology

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerSeminar


    The PhD seminar “The Potential of Praxeologic Perspectives and Methodology” is organized in collaboration between the Department for Global Public Care and Primary Care, University of Bergen, and Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris (CUNP).
    The PhD seminar will offer discussions of selected praxeologic research projects performed within the framework of or inspired by Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social practices. The seminar will mainly focus on projects within the health field, but will nevertheless be interdisciplinary oriented, and so of relevance for scholars in several disciplines within health science, social science and education. The seminar is open to researchers and PhD students working within this spectre.
    Presentations will be given by researchers from France, Romania, Norway, and Denmark. There will also be students’ presentations, and students are strongly called upon to sign up for a presentation. English will be the seminar’s main language.
    Periode7 nov. 20169 nov. 2016
    PlaceringParis, FrankrigVis på kort
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational


    • Uddannelse, professioner og erhverv
    • praxeologi, refleksiv sociologi, sygepleje