Opgavens indhold: Invited by the Romanian National Coordinator for the Recognition of the Professional Qualifications. In the context of the European legislative process regarding the revision of the Directive 2005/36/EC, the Romanian authorities have negotiated with the EU institutions and all the Member States the modification of the art. 33a of the Directive 2005/36/EC.One of the new provisions introduced obliges the Romanian authorities to set-up a bridging programme concerning the updating of the training for some categories of nurses responsible for general care. The guidelines and the content of this programme have been discussed with European Commission.
Rumania has established with the European Commission implementation of a project regarding the training of trainers who will apply the bridging programme at post-secondary level. Information concerning project provided by:
Oana-Mihaela SALOMIA
Consilier pentru afaceri europene
Ministerul Educatiei Nationale
Centrul National de Echivalare si Recunoastere a Diplomelor
Tel.: 021 405 62 15, 0732 368 174
Fax: 021 313 10 13
Mål for aftagers udbytte: Viden om indholdet af den danske uddannelser samt uddannelsesmetoder - herunder FI projekter
Metodik og arbejdsform: Oplæg med powerpoint præsentation og faglige drøftelser
Begrundelse for valg af metodik og arbejdsform: Efter ønsker fra modtagegruppen
Periode | 9 feb. 2014 → 11 feb. 2014 |
Arbejd for | Ministerul Educatiei Nationale Romania, Rumænien |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |