what works and what doesn`t in the theory-praxis cooperation on innovative bachelor projects

  • Kirsten Teglgaard Lund (Oplægsholder)

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag eller oplæg


Oplægget har været holdt på: International Human Science Research Conference. Den 11. – 14. august 2015, Trondheim. Resume: Based on a phenomenological analysis of diary notes, narratives and interviews of supervisors and clinical nurses we found some essential factors related to a successful innovative bachelor project. The paper unfolds the importance of the supervisors’ initiative and engagement as well as the clinical nurses’ feeling of having a joint ownership of the innovative processes.

Oplæg og workshop v/ Vibeke Steenfeldt, Kirsten Teglgaard Lund, Minna Therkildsen.
Periode12 aug. 2015
Begivenhedstitelwhat works and what doesn`t in the theory-praxis cooperation on innovative bachelor projects
PlaceringTrondheim, NorgeVis på kort