Personlig profil


Experienced Nurse with a PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology. Currently serving as a Senior Associate Professor at University College Copenhagen and an External Lecturer at the Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, specializing in health promotion and interdisciplinary health studies.



Maria has extensive experience in Public Health, Social Medicine, Clinical Research, Social Inequality, and Cardiac Rehabilitation. She is proficient in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research.


Maria's research focuses on municipal health services, homecare, homecare nursing, peer support, social inequality, and Fundamentals of Care (FoC). Her primary research methods include complex interventions, RCT, patient and public involvement, and mixed methods.

Her PhD project (2015-2018) investigated the "Mechanisms of Social Inequality in Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Using a Mixed Methods Design." Her postdoctoral project (2019-2023) was a complex intervention study employing a mixed methods design to explore the impact of peer-mentor support for older, vulnerable patients with ischemic heart disease.



Since 2015, Maria have been lecturing first through her Ph.D. position and most recently as both a senior associate professor and lecturer at University College Copenhagen. Thus, Maria have experience in teaching at various educational levels - bachelor, master, and Ph.D. - on topics such as qualitative methods, quantitative methods, prevention, health promotion, rehabilitation, social inequality, and interdisciplinary methods for investigating population health and disease trajectories, both from a national and global perspective.


In her role as a Senior Associate Professor at University College Copenhagen and as an External Lecturer at Roskilde University, her responsibilities include research, teaching, and supervision. Additionally, Maria serve as a Clinical lecturer affiliated with Albertslund Municipality.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health, Ph.d.-afhandling: Mechanisms of social inequality in cardiac rehabilitation attendance among patients with acute coronary syndrome: A Mixed Methods study.

1 dec. 201430 nov. 2017

Dimissionsdato: 12 mar. 2018

Master of Public Health , Masterafhandling: Determinanter for binge drikning blandt unge i Danmark.

1 aug. 201119 jun. 2013

Dimissionsdato: 19 jun. 2013

Professionsbachelor i sygepleje , Bachelorprojekt:Indlagte cancerpatienter – De pårørendes mestring og sygeplejerskens bidrag.

1 feb. 200530 jun. 2008

Dimissionsdato: 30 jun. 2008


Ekstern Lektor, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University.

1 maj 202430 apr. 2027

Docent - Københavns Professionshøjskole

1 jan. 2024 → …

Lektor - Københavns Professionshøjskole

1 apr. 201831 dec. 2023

Ph.d.-studerende, Nordsjællands Hospital

1 dec. 201431 mar. 2018

Kardiologisk sygeplejerske, Nordsjællands Hospital

16 jun. 200830 nov. 2014


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