Intet billede af Pernille Kjærgaard Christiansen

Pernille Kjærgaard Christiansen

Associate Lecutrer, Multimedia and IT, Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration


Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Researcher at the department Applied Business Reseearch

Teaching Business and Communication at the Multimedia Designer education.

Semester coordinator for 3rd semester Multimedia Design with the responsibilities to coordinate teaching activities.

Mobility coordinator with the responsibility to developing relationships with international partner schools and universities at the Multimedia department at EA Lillebælt in Europe, Canada and USA.

Development of international modules for students.

Partnership Development with companies in USA

Participating in the international project “NORU – Development and Facilitation of Innovative Pedagogy in the Nordic – Russian Context.”

Project Manager on the annual innovation event InnoEvent that focuses on “Future Health”. The event is a collaboration between EA Lillebælt, University College Lillebælt, and Odense University Hospital. The event includes contact to central research areas within health, innovation and technology.

System export of InnoEvent to TAMK University of Applied Sciences in Tampere, Finland.

Facilitating and planning a Summer School in Welfare Innovation with students from EA Lillebælt and UCL. 

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Health Science, PhD, Healthy Together - A behavioural change intervention to support a healthy lifestyle postpartum , Syddansk Universitet

1 apr. 201712 dec. 2022

Dimissionsdato: 12 dec. 2022

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration - Globalisation, Communication & Marketing, Theoretical competencies within global challenges in a dynamic world with focus on creativity, innovation, marketing and communication. , Syddansk Universitet

1 aug. 20071 jul. 2010

Dimissionsdato: 1 jul. 2011

Erasmus semester abroad, Theoretical competencies within International Marketing, Intercultural Communication, Human Resource Management, French language, University Jean Moulin III

1 sep. 200931 dec. 2009

Dimissionsdato: 31 dec. 2009

B.A. in International Business and Modern Languages, English and German, Theoretical competencies within economics, marketing, communication, culture sociology, German language, English language and social conditions in English-speaking countries, and German language., Syddansk Universitet

1 aug. 200430 jun. 2007

Dimissionsdato: 30 jun. 2007


PhD student, Syddansk Universitet

1 apr. 201712 dec. 2022


  • Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi, og e-læring
  • Sundhed, ernæring og livskvalitet
  • egenomsorg
  • sundhedsteknologi


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