Bridge Builders – Building sustainable nutritional bridges between research and health and wellbeing services for elderly

  • Rautiainen, Teija (Projektleder)
  • Justesen, Lise (Projektdeltager)
  • Hansen, Kai V (Projektdeltager)
  • Sandgren, Anna (Projektdeltager)
  • Witthöft, Cornelia (Projektdeltager)



The Nordic region has the same challenge of aging and the need for sustainable solutions, where food and nutrition play a crucial role. There is a need to implement new or improved protein and nutritious diet concepts as well as caring mealtime situation in social and health care services. By combining and utilizing a wide and diverse range of expertise in food and nutrition research (healthy food, alternative proteins, mealtime interventions, aging) as well as in service applications and good practices (dietary habits and environments, training of social and health professionals) the challenges of aging and sustainability, and nutritious meals can be better addressed.
Kort titelBridge Builders – Building sustainable nutritional bridges between research and health and wellbeing services for elderly
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/2030/06/22