Capacity development to strengthen and innovate nursing education in rural areas in India and East Africa



The purpose of this scoping project is through thorough exploration to develop an application for a project of minimum 4 years within the PEP – Partnership for Education of Health Professionals with a specific focus on strengthening the nursing education , primarily in India and Kenya. Both countries are facing major increases in diabetes cases, disparities in the health care of their populations and uneven access to quality care with severe consequences for their populations, in particular in rural areas. Access to education in rural areas is a challenge in both countries. However, a number of significant changes are currently taking place to address this situation. In India, a process of strengthening the clinical training in the education of nurses has been initiated and a considerable expansion of nursing colleges across the country is planned. In Kenya, a five year national plan for the prevention and control of NCD has been adopted to strengthen the capacity of the health care system to manage NCD, which also includes education of health professionals. NNF has identified the strengthening of the nursing education as a vital brick to address the challenges and has identified a group of ‘change agents’ in both India, Kenya and Denmark as partners.
In line with the PEP mission, this project will contribute to improve the institutional capacity of nursing colleges and the education of nurses, improve educational quality and bridge gaps between faculty training and clinical practice applying a partnership approach. Ensuring accessibility to nursing education in rural areas will be a particular focus of the project.


Partnerskabsprojekt hvor der samarbejdes om udvikling af sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Danmark, Indien og Øst Afrika. Projektet er et delprojekt ind i Novo Nordisk Fondens PEP projekt - Partnerships in Education og health Professionals. Projektet er finansieret af midler fra PEP- puljen hos Novo Nordisk Fonden
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/2331/12/24


  • Professionshøjskolen Absalon (Projektpartner) (leder)
  • Københavns Professionshøjskole (Projektpartner)


  • netbaseret uddannelse
  • studerende
  • fastholdelse
  • frafald
  • sygeplejerskeuddannelsen