Contested Narratives and Controversial Issues in Citizenship Education



ConCitizen addresses a key issue in citizenship education: how do we teach controversial issues particularly related to contested narratives in post-conflict and diverse societies? European education systems share a strong tradition of democratic formation, focusing on coexistence, critical stance and respect for diverse opinions and outlooks. However, new challenges for democracy have emerged such as populism, right-wing and Islamist extremism. In addition, digitalization of society has evoked a polarized debate culture on social media characterized by echo chambers and filter bubbles. ConCitizen explores how contested narratives and controversial issues are included - or avoided - in the school subjects of history, religious education, and citizenship education.
ConCitizen seeks to stimulate innovative learning and teaching practices by developing pedagogical models that encourage self-reflection, awareness of power relations, and critical thinking when teaching contested narratives and controversial issues. The aim is to strengthen the student teachers' ability to create an inclusive learning environment by addressing stereotypes and highlighting common vulnerability. To promote digital readiness in education, ConCitizen will develop digital teaching materials and a virtual exchange format with student teachers as co-creators. An innovative element of the project is to explore the use of eTwinning as a platform for cooperation in higher education. A n open source textbook will sum up theoretical perspectives, contextualised examples of contested narratives and controversial issues and present pedagogical approaches to adress this issues in teaching.


ConCitizen projektet undersøger hvordan konkurrerende narrativer og kontroversielle emner inkluderes - eller ekskluderes - i undervisning i historie, religion og samfundsfag. ConCitizens formål er at udvikle nye didaktiske tilgange, der understøtter lærere i at arbejde med kontroversielle emner og konkurrerende narrativer i undervisningen så de giver en større forståelse for forskellige positioner i samfund præget af diversitet


The project have five results:
1. National and transnationale concept mappings on contested narratives and controversial issues + Curriculum mappings
2. Semi structured interviews with schoolteachers on contested narratives and controversial issues
3. Teaching tutorials for students teachers + pedagogical models for teaching contested narratives and controversial issues
4. Virtual exchanges with BA/Master students and co-creating development of a Virtual exchange format for student teacher classes
5. A textbook on contested narratives and controversial issues for student teachers containing theoretical perspectives, pedagogical methodologies and examples of contested narratives and controversial issues from different national contexts.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/2231/12/24


  • Adyan (Projektpartner)
  • Cyprus Open University (Projektpartner)
  • Queens University (Projektpartner)
  • Københavns Professionshøjskole (leder)
  • Oslo Metropolitan University (Projektpartner)


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • Skoler, fag og institutioner
  • Uddannelse, professioner og erhverv


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