Developing a Nordic model of guidance to include vulnerable groups in co-creation



As automation and digitization progresses new skills are needed, which is why the EU has launched
the NEW SKILLS AGENDA. The project supports this agenda, which necessitates new guidance tools
regarding target groups, which do not take control and initiative for their own competence development
and position at the labour market.
THE PARTNERS FROM THE NORDIC COUNTRIES experience the same target groups, but they
can also contribute with interesting differences as living conditions of the target groups from village to
capital, a big difference in youth unemployment and different guidance practices, including the difference
between individual and group guidance.
THE PROJECT AIMs to increase labour workforce through inclusion of citizens on the edge of / outside
the labour market. The goal is achieved through development of new guidance tools, which at the
same time will change the mind-set of the counsellors and lead the process of guidance into a joint
collaboration / co-creation, in which the guidance-seekers find their own motivation and power to
NPAD-2018/10137 Page 3 (12) Submitted - 31-Jan-2018
complete the plans created during the guidance. Hence, THE EXPECTED OUTPUT are tools that will
turn counsellors and guidance seekers into co-creators.
THE PROJECT COMBINES research-based knowledge from the Nordic countries/ worldwide with
practical experiences from the partners in an action-learning process, where the visual tools will be
developed through testing and reflection.
THE DISSEMINATION will take place in local, national and European networks, in which the partners are
involved, and with UCL as partner, the project has a unique dissemination channel in Denmark/ Nordic


I projektet skal udvikles redskaber og metoder til vejledning af udsatte borgere så disse udvikler handlekompetence. Samskabelse er et nøgleord
Kort titelVejledningsredskaber
Effektiv start/slut dato01/08/1831/05/20


  • Tietgenskolen
  • NO-Fonix AS
  • FI-Helsinki Vocational College
  • GL-Business College Nuuk
  • HF & VUC Fredericia (leder)


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning