Digitalizing Products - Creating Demonstrators for Future Education



The DIGIDEMO project seeks to raise awareness about environmental and climate challenges, making it a natural consideration designing and developing digitalized

The main objective is to develop minimum 20 demonstrators (4 demonstrators at each partnering institution) and implement them in teaching activities at educational programmes at the partners. Moreover, to support the teachers, a secondary objective is to create a framework for developing the demonstrators. To ensure the sustainability of DIGIDEMO and the availability of the project results to people outside DIGIDEMO, an online learning course is developed, making it possible for teachers outside the project to exploit the results.

DIGIDEMO is a collaboration between the following educational institutions UCN (Denmark), ESTA (France), FHV (Austria), FTO (Norway) and UEMR (Romania).
Kort titelDigitalizing Products
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/2031/08/23


  • Fagskolen Tinius Olsen (Medansøger)
  • Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (Medansøger)
  • Association pour la Gestion de L'ecole Superieure des Technologies et des Affaires (Medansøger)
  • Universitatea "Eftimie Murgu" din Resita
  • Forskningscenter for Industriel Digital Transformation (leder)


  • it
  • digitalisering
  • demonstrator
  • produktudvikling
  • bæredygtighed