Digitization of Research Management and Administration in widening countries and beyond



The Animation Workshop has agreed to be in the partnership for Horizon application, developed by GOZDARSKI INSTITUT SLOVENIJE.

Research management and administration (RMA) should facilitate its own work and work of researchers through use of novel ICT tools. But before researchers manage to start using improved ICT tools, it is RMAs task to initiate the process and properly test it. We have to be aware that this is a continuous process which needs constant inputs of human and financial resources. And once a new ICT
tool Is introduced we have to realize that it will need regular maintenance and that it may become obsolete in couple of years. So its not an easy task to cope with renewal of internal ICT systems, especially with scarce resources and rigid working environment. Aim of this project is to improve ICT literacy among project partnership. More specifically we would address issues of digitization of
institutions involved in the project – goals like paperless business, smart cloud computing solutions, integration of existing ICT tools and project management tools would be addressed. This should be primarily achieved through foreseen staff exchanges between different project partners. All project partners (in brackets of secondments) will visit project partner with ICT expert knowledge (leader of WP3 - digitization of RMA profession), where they will gain basics of ICT literacy (introduction of popular applications and how to use them, introduction of basic ICT security measures – raising awareness of cybersecurity, how to appropriately store data, using proper communication tools on basis of given situation, representing key elements of digital infra.


The project application was submitted in November 2022.
Kort titelIrma
Effektiv start/slut dato01/10/2101/04/23


  • Æstetik, design og medier


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