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The latest Danish high-school reform requires school leaders to focus more on the core task of schools: teaching while this is not a common practice within high school in Denmark (Aftale om styrkede gymnasiale uddannelser, 2016)
Evaluations in relation to Denmark show that school leaders have a central role in developing the quality of education, as well as strengthening local education leadership focusing primarily on feedback between teachers and managers (the TALIS report from EVA, 2013, and EVA, 2015).
School leaders have a significant role to play in schools as professional learning communities (Stoll, Bolam, McMahon, Wallace & Thomas, 2006).
This has been underlined by Erling L. Dale in his notion of the whole school as an organisation which is educationally rational (1998) or didaktisk rationel in Danish (1999).
In Denmark: -No formalised diploma/program for high school educational leadership is required.-Often the leaders are former teachers.-No formal leadership diploma
Therefore it is interesting to explore their pedagogical (Didaktik) perspectives while now leader teachers’ and not students’ learning.
The starting point – seen from the purpose of the development aspect is to make sure that the school develops a professional learning community(PLC)
The project investigates:
How to investigate educational leadership in this process? (methodological/theoretical element)Scrutinizing and searching for the school leaders’ pedagogical and educational vocabulary.
What is the school leaders’ view on education, teaching and pedagogics?
Is the thinking of leaders far aligned with the research on teachers’ thinking (relates to research on teachers thinking).
The role of school leaders involves not only implementing rules for working hours, making financial adjustments and planning administrative tasks. There is also a need to develop educational leadership in schools, in particular with a view to narrowing the gap between managers and staff.
This is a pedagogical theme that is also presented by Uljens and Ylimaki (2018): The idea of building a bridge between educational management and the curriculum studies and the German Didaktik tradition.
EDU:LEAD:NOVICE seeks answers to the phenomenon 'leaders as learners'.
Evaluations in relation to Denmark show that school leaders have a central role in developing the quality of education, as well as strengthening local education leadership focusing primarily on feedback between teachers and managers (the TALIS report from EVA, 2013, and EVA, 2015).
School leaders have a significant role to play in schools as professional learning communities (Stoll, Bolam, McMahon, Wallace & Thomas, 2006).
This has been underlined by Erling L. Dale in his notion of the whole school as an organisation which is educationally rational (1998) or didaktisk rationel in Danish (1999).
In Denmark: -No formalised diploma/program for high school educational leadership is required.-Often the leaders are former teachers.-No formal leadership diploma
Therefore it is interesting to explore their pedagogical (Didaktik) perspectives while now leader teachers’ and not students’ learning.
The starting point – seen from the purpose of the development aspect is to make sure that the school develops a professional learning community(PLC)
The project investigates:
How to investigate educational leadership in this process? (methodological/theoretical element)Scrutinizing and searching for the school leaders’ pedagogical and educational vocabulary.
What is the school leaders’ view on education, teaching and pedagogics?
Is the thinking of leaders far aligned with the research on teachers’ thinking (relates to research on teachers thinking).
The role of school leaders involves not only implementing rules for working hours, making financial adjustments and planning administrative tasks. There is also a need to develop educational leadership in schools, in particular with a view to narrowing the gap between managers and staff.
This is a pedagogical theme that is also presented by Uljens and Ylimaki (2018): The idea of building a bridge between educational management and the curriculum studies and the German Didaktik tradition.
EDU:LEAD:NOVICE seeks answers to the phenomenon 'leaders as learners'.
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/12/18 → 01/12/19 |
- 1 Foredrag eller oplæg
Fyraftensmøde om pædagogisk ledelse
Lund, L. (Oplægsholder)
23 okt. 2020Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag eller oplæg