ETEN sanarbejde, TIG: Movement activities, play, health and outdoor learning.



    Aims and vision of the TIG:
    The vision of this TIG is the general promotion of play, learning, movement activities, health, and outdoor education in kindergartens, schools and Institutions of Higher Education, underlining the importance of movement on the whole person of the child.

    Topics for discussion are related to physical education, play, human development, outdoor education, play, learning through movement, and lifestyle

    The main intentions of the TIG :
    • to share and analyze purposes, practices and experiences related to play, movement activities, health, and outdoor learning in kindergartens, schools, Institutions of Higher Education and other area's such as home, playgrounds;
    • to motivate participants to engage in joint research and collaborative projects;
    • to publish research findings and reports of activities within the TIG area;
    • to use research findings in our professional work and to disseminate our work.


    Format for the papers:

    • workshop/play or movement activities (usually about 40 min. plus 10 min. discussion)
    • interactive seminar (20 min. plus 10 min. discussion)
    • leading a discussion (20 min.)
    • presentation of paper (20 min. plus 10 min. discussion)
    • poster (10 min.)
    Kort titelMovement activities, play, health and outdoor learning.
    Effektiv start/slut dato28/09/1701/12/18


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