European Excellence in Dairy Learning



Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS)
Projekt på tværs af Europa for at fremme/højne undervisningsniveauet indenfor mejeribranchen.
Vidensdeling på tværs af undervisningsniveauer

The scope of this project operates at four levels
1. At the national level, each of the 9 CoVEs will contribute to developing innovative solutions to 3S smart specialisation
needs by designing tasks that are integrated into the local skills ecosystem priorities.
2. At a transnational level, the CoVE will work together through the Diary Learning & Innovation Hub platform (See section
4.1) to establish a best in class Dairy Development Programme that tackles major challenges of Dairy sustainability and
digitalisation attraction of new talent and upskilling of low skilled workers.
3. The project includes all actors in the knowledge triangle steamily to ensure that we work closely together as scholars,
researchers, businesspeople, innovators, teachers, and students to learn from and support one another in achieving the
maximum potential for the Dairy sector.
4. The consortium has been carefully developed to include partners from enlargement countries and third-party countries
with the potential and ambition to grow their Dairy sectors. The more established partners will commit to supporting
developing partners to deliver upward convergence in VET excellence using the EU maturity model as our guide


Projekt på tværs af Europa for at fremme/højne undervisningsniveauet indenfor mejeribranchen.
Vidensdeling på tværs af undervisningsnivauer
Kort titelEuropean Excellence in Dairy Learning
Effektiv start/slut dato01/05/2201/05/25


  • Københavns Universitet
  • EU Erasmus+ Programme
  • Arla Foods
  • Kold College (leder)