Expanded Animation LAB 2020, The Man in the Room by Sophie Hjerl



Sophie Hjerl is a Danish artist who has graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Sophie works in a wide range of media and formats, spanning installation, sculpture, sound, animation, VR, and video. Her artistic practice centers on movement between organic forms, such as the body, and geometric orders and structures, like objects and buildings.

The Man in the Room video installation by Sophie Hjerl is made out of material originally filmed for a solo VR and installation exhibition named En Suite, that due to Corona has been postponed until 2021. Ironically the scene presented here is one of many portraying a man in a room, isolated, who starts to multiply himself as he becomes more and more desperate. Despite being filmed some weeks before the Corona lock-down, the presentation strangely and retrospectively makes clear references to the time we have come to live in.

Loop. Kinect to video, 2020
Text: free quoted from Storm P.
Kinect filming, editing and sound: Sophie Hjerl
Performer: Jonas Petri Megyessi

The project developed in collaboration with:
Midtjysk 3D Service
Statens Kunstfond
Nyt Viborg Museum
Viborg Kommune
AkronymEXPA LAB 2020
Effektiv start/slut dato21/09/2004/10/20


  • Æstetik, design og medier


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