Exploring outdoor play and activities for social and cultural sustainability in and across culture



How children’s outdoor play and activities provide conditions for social and cultural sustainability within and across Norway, Denmark and China?
1) to identify conditions for children’s outdoor play and activities that promote learning and development of skills and knowledge related to sustainable lifestyles, and to the feeling of belonging to the place they live
2) to explore conditions and traditions in the way teachers, parents and children within and across different cultures view children’s being, becoming and belonging
3) to provide broader, wider and diverse perspectives for teachers and children to act locally and think/reflect globally


Hvordan kan man arbejde med social og kulturel bæredygtighed i børnehaven.


1. General reporting of results for project reports
2. Visual materials for teacher education, teachers and children
3. Reporting research results through scientific and popular articles
Kort titelSustainability in Kindergarten
Effektiv start/slut dato01/02/2201/07/25


  • DII Nørrestenbro (Projektpartner)
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Projektpartner) (leder)


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • Børn og unge