Game Hub Jam 2017

  • Jablonskyte, Roberta (Projektdeltager)
  • Nielsen, Nathalia Hentze (Projektleder)
  • Flokiou, Adonis Maigaard (Projektleder)



At the core of Game Hub Scandinavia lies the urge to explore new markets; an urge which during 2017 alone led to visits to both China and India.

During the project’s trip to China in March 2017, representatives met with indienova; an indie game ecosystem that specifically focuses on creating a bridge between China and the rest of the world. The meeting inspired a cross-territorial game jam, which took place in Viborg from June 12-18, 2017, and explored the possibility of creating products that can be marketed towards both China and Scandinavia markets from the get-go.

The goal of the game jam was to produce products that would lay the foundation for one or two things: Either a collaboration between the game jam participants or an exchange of information regarding the different markets, thereby granting the Scandinavian participants an understanding of the Chinese market and vice versa.
The eleven participants were game industry graduates and junior professionals from Sweden, China and Denmark who are part of the project’s incubation environments and the indienova network. Once divided into two teams, they followed a theme chosen by the Chinese partner.
By the end of the week-long production jam, the two teams delivered two working prototype of their games that could be downloaded and played from indienova’s website.
Effektiv start/slut dato12/06/1718/06/17


  • Folkeuniversitetet
  • Erhvervsakademi Dania
  • Business Aalborg
  • Viden Djurs
  • Gothia Innovation
  • Fleksibel Utdanning Norge
  • Högskolan i Skövde
  • Indienova
  • Arsenalet
  • The Animation Workshop (leder)


  • Æstetik, design og medier


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