

The GATE project intends to set up an action plan to increase awareness and introduce supporting measures to promote gender equality in primary schools in Europe. The purpose of GATE is to improve the prevention of gender-based behaviour by deconstructing gender stereotypes in primary school. It aims to foster values of gender equality, diversity and mutual respect through the dissemination of innovative tools that will benefit both pupils aged 9-12 and school staff. The project will target all teaching practices and address all school spaces, including the playground. Indeed, GATE aims to reorganize school spaces, rethink games and activities in order to encourage gender diversity among pupils. The project will also raise gender awareness among teacher and educational staff by providing pedagogical and training material on gender issues.


GATE har til formål - gennem udvikling af og forskning i pædagogisk praksis vedrørende kønsmangfoldighed - at forstyrre, udfordre og forandre de blikke vi typisk har på køn og de pædagogiske praksisser vi benytter os af når vi adresserer spørgsmål vedrørende køn i skolen
Kort titelGATE
Effektiv start/slut dato01/12/1930/11/22


  • CIEP (Projektpartner) (leder)
  • GIP FCIP D'AQUITAINE (Projektpartner)
  • Departamento de Educación Gobierno de Navarra (Projektpartner)
  • European Institute Foundation (Projektpartner)
  • Åbo Akademi University (Projektpartner)