Inclusive Journalism Initiative

  • Munk, Inger (Projektdeltager)



The consortium of two European and two New Zealand journalism schools of higher education, with industry support, will develop a Joint Mobility Project, the IJI Inclusive Journalism Initiative: Reporting Europe and the Asia-Pacific.

The IJI project addresses the acute need for greater inclusivity in news journalism.

Students will learn how journalism can cross cultural boundaries and recognise the perspectives of others.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/10/1330/09/16


  • Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole (leder)
  • Swedish School of Social Science at Helsinki University, Finland (Projektpartner)
  • Auckland University of Technology (Projektpartner)
  • Canterbury University (Projektpartner)


  • Medier, kommunikation og sprog
  • Inklusion
  • journalistik


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