The purpose of the project is to contribute with conceptualization on how reforms change educational organizations and subjectivities, and how educational organizations change reforms (Cuban, 1998). Thereby we aim at giving an account of the power of conceptual endeavors with close readings of empirical material. Our intention is to elaborate this basic idea through empirical investigations of the intertwinement of different educational reforms, of policies, standards and everyday educational lives across the globe. As well as telling stories of reforms and how they transform and are transformed by the educational organizations and subjects they engage, we highlight how a careful enactment of methodologies and critiques might assist us in tracing not only intended but also unintended effects of reforms and the ‘worlding’ they shape (Brøgger, 2014). In other words, engaging with performative research approaches allow us to follow and scrutinize what happens when reforms are borrowed, translated and taken up in a range of ways. Or as Robert Cowen (Cowen, 2009) poetically and with a jazz vibe in mind so beautifully has formulated it; how reforms morph as they move.
The purpose of the project is to contribute with conceptualization on how reforms change educational organizations and subjectivities, and how educational organizations change reforms (Cuban, 1998). Thereby we aim at giving an account of the power of conceptual endeavors with close readings of empirical material. Our intention is to elaborate this basic idea through empirical investigations of the intertwinement of different educational reforms, of policies, standards and everyday educational lives across the globe. As well as telling stories of reforms and how they transform and are transformed by the educational organizations and subjects they engage, we highlight how a careful enactment of methodologies and critiques might assist us in tracing not only intended but also unintended effects of reforms and the ‘worlding’ they shape (Brøgger, 2014). In other words, engaging with performative research approaches allow us to follow and scrutinize what happens when reforms are borrowed, translated and taken up in a range of ways. Or as Robert Cowen (Cowen, 2009) poetically and with a jazz vibe in mind so beautifully has formulated it; how reforms morph as they move.
Bidrag til ledelse i og af den målstyrede folkeskole efter reformen.
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/01/14 → 31/03/18 |
- Teachers College Columbia University
- Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (leder)
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