

Knowledge and understanding of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 global goals is still insufficient among young people, and so is awareness of the duties and responsibilities that are implied by them. Young people will inherit this increasingly globalized and interconnected planet and will also be charged with taking better care of it than previous generations did.
Online learning is highly suitable for SDG education, as it connects people across borders and continents thus fostering multiple perspectives needed to understand the complexity of the world in the 21st century. However, the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighted that most educational institutions and teachers are less than adequately prepared to deliver online and blended learning in a meaningful way.

This project aims to:
- Deliver a high-quality, inclusive, digital SDG Learning Platform focusing on topics related to "Preserving the Planet"
- Support teachers adapting to online and blended teaching using innovative online pedagogical methods and digital tools
- Evaluate the effective use of various tools in online and blended learning
Effektiv start/slut dato01/03/2131/08/23


  • Mundu (Projektpartner) (leder)
  • Fondazione AEM (Projektpartner)
  • 138 SUZIE "Prof. Vasil Zlatarski" (Projektpartner)
  • Erasmus Learning Academy (Projektpartner)
  • Liceul Teoretic "Vasile Alecsandri" Iasi (Projektpartner)


  • e-læring
  • verdensmål
  • bæredygtighed
  • børn og unge
  • learning design
  • online læring


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