LEVER, Modelling informal learning and transversal competences in the voluntary service experince to increase employment and mobility of citizens



    The competence subject is a key item in the policy and learning environment programmes of the European Community and very often it is one of the main topics in the discussion and programming agendas. Very recently (March 2014) Cedefop organisation launched a survey “European Skills Survey (eu-SKILLS)”, with the scope to better understand what are the competences preferred by the labour market and how they are utilized. Cedefop will present the survey’s findings in 2015. From the European Community policy perspective, the initiative "New Skills for New Jobs", inside the "Europe 2020" development strategy, aims to:

    - promote better anticipation of future skills needs;
    - develop better matching between skills and labour market needs;
    - bridge the gap between the worlds of education and work.

    Project objectives:
    Collect all the current experiences developed by the various partners on this topic;

    Design, test, implement and disseminate a standard model and process for the measure and certification of the soft skills developed/acquired by volunteers during their activities;

    Elaborate a set of recommendations for policy makers to embed the model and the process in the active labour market policies.

    Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/1431/08/16


    • VIA (leder)
    • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Projektpartner)
    • L.A.Vo.P.S. Librere Associazioni di Volontariato della Provincia di Sondrio (Projektpartner)
    • Confindustria Sondrio (Projektpartner)
    • Scuola Nazionale Servizi Foundation (Projektpartner)
    • EC VPL, Foundation European Centre Valuation Prior Learning (Projektpartner)


    • Uddannelse, professioner og erhverv
    • anerkednelse af realkompetencer, validering, frivillige sektor


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