Pedagogical Approaches for Enhanced Social Inclusion in the Classroom (PAESIC)



This project, with its aim to support primary school teachers in enhancing social inclusion in the classroom, particularly of students
with migrant and immigrant backgrounds, will help address diversity, ownership of shared values and non-discrimination through
education and training activities.
It will foster the intercultural competencies of teachers and tackle discrimination, segregation and racism. In promoting social
inclusion in the classroom, it will enhance the access, participation and learning performance of disadvantaged learners, particularly
learners with a migrant and refugee backgrounds and so reduce disparities in learning outcomes.
It will further support access to new approaches, particularly cutting edge pedagogical approaches and methodologies matched to
teachers' experiences and needs for enhancing social inclusion. These methodologies and our findings will be an Open Educational
Resource in the form of an online course and online materials, so teachers will be supported in dealing with diversity in the
classroom. Collaboration will be strengthened among actors within schools and external stakeholders, as school leaders will be
involved and school policy as well.
We will support the promotion of high-quality and innovative teaching and the professional development and profile of educators.
Supporting social inclusion will further make great strides in dealing with early school leaving, especially of disadavantaged learners
with a migrant and refugee background, as they feel better seen, heard, and included in the classroom.
Kort titelPAESIC
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/1830/06/21


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • Inklusion
  • Integration
  • Flygtninge
  • indvandrere


Udforsk forskningsemnerne, som dette projekt berører. Disse etiketter er oprettet på grundlag af de underliggende bevillinger/legater. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.
  • PAESIC - Multiplier Event

    Munk, D. A. (Oplægsholder), Kondylis, D. (Oplægsholder), Martinez, M. V. M. (Arrangør), Diallo, G. (Oplægsholder), Al Sayed, O. (Arrangør) & Jensen, C. H. (Arrangør)

    19 nov. 2020

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerKonference
