Reliability and validity of the Danish version of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA)



In Denmark, resilience has received growing interest from both policy and practice, creating a demand for valid psychometric instruments developed for the assessment of resilience in a Danish population. The purpose of this study was therefore to standardize and validate a Danish measure of resilience for adults. The present article examines a Danish version of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA; Hjemdal, Friborg, Martinussen & Rosenvinge, 2001); a self-rating resilience measure with satisfactory psychometric ratings (Windle, Bennet and Noyes, 2011). Data for the study were collected from an online questionnaire survey with a national probability sample of 400 university students from University College Lillebælt.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/07/1831/12/19


  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (leder)
  • UiT The Artic University of Norway