Storytelling Workshops Online Project



Storytelling Workshops Online Project (SWOP) aims to create an innovative, social, and collaborative space for working with and teaching storytelling online across borders in Europe.
As the CoVid-19 crisis has developed and students have been sent home, it has become clear that the one thing missing from Zoom meeting, Teams Meetings, Skype Meetings, etc has been the ability to socialize and “be” together with fellow students.

SWOP aims to create a solution to this by creating a closed social media network for teachers and students of the same age across Europe – and work with using storytelling and creative workflow processes as a means of working with a problem- and project-based learning. There is wide recognition of the fact that most EU countries are not using ICT in schools to its fullest potential – and that using social media networks has been banned from use in many schools.

The project will encompass schools in different countries with their teachers and students as well as a film festival, a private company, and a VIA/TAW college from Denmark. A lot of children will get to experience next level ICT use in their everyday classroom – and a lot of teachers will hopefully learn that using modern technology is something that not only makes life easier – but also makes teaching better, more fun, and more creative!

The project is organized by Copenhagen Bombay, and supported by Erasmus+.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/03/2128/02/23



  • Æstetik, design og medier


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