Teaching Out of Classroom: Innovative teaching in dental education by flipped classroom model



Fra projektbeskrivelsen (ansøgningen):
The project is aiming to develop a “Flipped Classroom Model” (FCM) teaching/training course for teachers/trainers in dental education by exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices. The objectives of the project are:
- to introduce this innovative teaching/training model dental teachers/trainers (target group)
- prepare a teacher’s guide and course material for FCM and provide guidance to the target group for using this method effectively
- empower the target group to integrate ICT tools into teaching and training
- empower students’ (indirect target group) active learning, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills by implementing FCM in teaching/training.
FCM has been ranked among the Oscars of innovation in higher education in which self-study takes place before classroom teaching that produces a shift from passive learning to accelerated learning and improves analysis, synthesis and evaluation capabilities of the learner. FCM has been defined as an instructional strategy, using technological innovation to maximize teacher-student interactions during lecture time.
This project also addresses both horizontal field specific priorities of the programme. The problems described above are the same almost in every higher education organization due to the rapid change in technology that cause a communication gap between teachers and youth who are addicted to the use of ICT. The objectives of this project are also a demand in partner institutions and their countries. It is a demand of 21st century and digital youth from teachers, otherwise the gap will increase. To reach the objectives in a desired extent is not possible without transnational approach because, sharing knowledge and experiences will bring an added value to the project.


Projektet går ud på at på introducere flipped classroom-tilgangen til undervisning på tandlægeuddannelser i Ankara, Leuven, Rom og Paris. Dette vil i projektet foregå ved at der udvikles undervisningsmateriale og andet materiale som kan gøre det muligt for ledelse og undervisere på de involverede instiutioner at påbegynde en implementering af flipped classroom. VIA University College er partner i projektet pga. vores viden om og erfaring med at anvende flipped classroom,


Fra projektbeskrivelsen (ansøgningen):
The project has expected to produce both tangible and intangible results.
The expected tangible results are:
A flipped classroom course design and syllabus
Teacher's guide for flipping the classroom
Course on flipped classroom for training teachers/trainers
Videos of flipped classroom
Questionnaires for evaluation of flipped classroom
The expected intangible results are:
Exchange of experience knowledge and, know-how between partners, changes in the mind-set and working habits, learning different methods of teaching i.e. flipped classroom method.
As a long term result this project will ensure change in role of teachers/trainers who teach in traditional lecture style and change in role of students who are in a passive role by taking notes and listening. Classes will be more effective and enjoyable, students will become active learners, there will be a flexible learning opportunity for students, students will have the opportunity to watch videos demonstrating dental techniques and hand skills anytime, anywhere over and over again until they learn and feel themselves ready to apply.
Students will acquire critical thinking and relevant professional skills including ICT skills that will enhance their employability.
Students’ higher-order thinking will be encouraged; long-term retention of knowledge will be improved.
Interaction among students will increase and a learning community will be created.
Experiences, skills and knowledge of the partners will be combined through transnational cooperation and cultural diversity lead to innovation and modernisation in dental education.
The outputs produced by this partnership will bring a European dimension to the course material that will have an impact on dental education.
Best practices will be integrated to the curriculum and it will result in modernization of higher education.
The course delivered through ICT and web based methodologies will help increasing ICT competencies and skills of the target group. That flexible and innovative delivery method and learning approach will enable more effective and personalized learning experiences.
The course for training trainers will not only be used in partner countries but also in dental faculties in Europe and the rest of the world both for teaching and learning. It will provide a convergence in dental education, will have an impact on both individuals and organizations.
This course model may also be adopted to other disciplines of higher education and also to other fields of education targeting the trainers of youth and/or adult education.
The course will provide professional development for teaching staff. The knowledge and ICT skills gained through the course material will have a direct influence at work practice.
Transnational meetings will result in sharing good practices, ideas, experiences and knowledge, provide mutual understanding of different cultures.
Convergence and varieties in dental education will be explored that may have an impact on organisation's future educational policies or adaptation of good practices.
Partner institutions will make piloting of the course in a small group of teachers/trainers and get feedback that will contribute revisions or improvements and, create awareness.
Kort titelTeaching Out of Classroom
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/1731/08/19


  • Gazi University, Ankara (leder)
  • Université Paris Diderot, Paris (Projektpartner)
  • Sapienza Università di Roma, Rom (Projektpartner)
  • KU Leuven (Projektpartner)


  • e-læring
  • flipped classroom
  • flipped learning
  • netbaseret uddannelse
  • blended learning
  • organisationsudvikling
  • innovation
  • mobil læring


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