The 10th Annual Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Conference, US

  • Pérez, Inmaculada Concepción Carpe (Projektleder)
  • Belzer, Dr. Marvin (Projektdeltager)



The ACMHE conference is an annual interdisciplinary forum for all aspects of scholarship and research on contemplative methods in higher education, with a special focus on sharing how contemplative practices can support and sustain learning communities that foster a more just, peaceful, sustainable, and compassionate world.
At this conference Animation is presented as a medium of communication for contemplation-reflection- to foster mindful creators and content; as participants have the chance to experience a workshop based on current research and new methods through the creative process of animation.


new approaches for contemplative practice connecting science with art, methods to implement mindfulness within universities and communities to improve integration and peace
Kort titelImagining Humane Institutions
Effektiv start/slut dato04/10/1807/10/18


  • Polytechnic University of Valencia (leder)
  • UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (Projektpartner)
  • The Animation Workshop


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning


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