Undervisning i evidensbaseret praksis blandt studerende indenfor sundhedsfaglige professionsbachelor uddannelser



The project constitute two sub-studies and development of a research protocol.

Study 1
"Teaching in Evidence-Based Practice among undergraduate healthcare student: what methods/interventions/strategies have been used and what EBP-related outcomes have been assessed and achieved among the students. An overview of systematic reviews"

Study 2
"The practice of teaching in EBP and barriers and facilitators experienced among teachers at undergraduate healthcare educators: a cross-sectional study"

Research protocol
Study A: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of evidence-based practice instruments for Danish health students

Study B: Content and pilot testing of evidence-based practice instrument among a panel of educators and Danish health students

Study C: Pilot and quasi-experimental testing of a multifaceted EBP teaching intervention among Danish undergraduate healthcare students

This overall project is a collaboration between researcher at undergraduate healthcare educations at University College of South Denmark. The health educations include nursing, physiotherapy, eccupational therapy, midwifes, biomedical laboratory science and nutrition and health.
Kort titelUndervisning i evidensbaseret praksis
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/2131/12/22


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • evidensbaseret praksis