Use of diagnostic ultrasound in physiotherapy practice: a literature study and planning of an intervention study



Use of diagnostic ultrasound has been used for decades at specialist settings at hospitals or at specialist clinics by rheumatologists and orthopedics. When the technology was new, it was not suited for routine use. Diagnostic ultrasound was expensive and not within the typical primary care health providers’ budget. Also, imaging from the earlier versions were more difficult to interpret and was time-consuming to use in practice, where the clinicians often had to see a new patient for each 20-25 Minutes.
General practitioners and primary care physiotherapists are increasingly using diagnostic ultrasound in their clinics. Where the patient population and diseases are different from patients seeking care at hospitals, consequently, primary care clinicians may require different skills than the existing skills in the more specialized secondary care.
Norwegian, Danish, and UK physiotherapist have special interest groups for diagnostic ultrasound - offering continuous learning programs. Whereas the AECC University College in Bournemouth, England offers a full MSc programs in medical ultrasound, the course is aimed at a variety of medical professionals including physiotherapists, radiographers, nurses, midwives, and medical
doctors .
Sufficient training of physiotherapists has the potential to unify diagnostic approaches in primary care and can support high quality in diagnostics and may ensure safety. Proper use of diagnostic ultrasound can optimize rehabilitation and improve outcomes, whereas misinterpretations and type 2 errors can raise unnecessary concerns and even harm the patient. Consequently, knowledge in the field of diagnostic ultrasound is needed to ensure the quality of education Programs, to support quality of diagnostic ultrasound, improve treatment, and to avoid inappropriate use and over-diagnosing of patients. Therefore, we set out to study the nature, extent, and range of research in the use of diagnostic ultrasound in primary care physiotherapy clinics - and plan an intervention study to support good practice when using diagnostic ultrasound in physiotherapy.


A literature study and planning of an intervention to support proper use of diagnosic ultrasound.
Kort titelUltrasound in physiotherapy
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/2031/08/23


  • Apexklinikken Terapisenter (Projektpartner)
  • Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis i Aalborg (Projektpartner)
  • Fysioterapeutuddannelsen (leder)