Adaptive designs for learning based on MOOCs: a design framework for personalized learning in teacher professional development.

Karsten Gynther

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Informed by research in MOOCs and adaptive learning systems the project has developed a design framework which can guide the development of SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses), adapted to experienced school teachers' different learning needs. In 2020 it will be a requirement that, Danish school teachers have a bachelor degree in the subjects they teach. More than 10,000 teachers need professional development and municipalities ask for an adaptive teacher development program with personalized learning. The project's research question is the study and development of design principles that can guide the development of adaptive designs for learning on the basis of MOOCs as an overall design framework. The project is methodologically inspired by Design Based Research.
TitelProceedings for the 5th International Conference on Designs for Learning: Designing New Learning Ecologies.
RedaktørerAnne-Mette Nortvig, Birgitte Holm Sørensen, Morten Misfeldt, Rikke Ørngren, Benjamin Allsopp, Birgitte Henningsen, Heidi Hautopp
Antal sider17
ForlagAalborg Universitetsforlag
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-7112-569-6
StatusUdgivet - 2016
