Animated Learning Lab is an autonomous development department within the Animation Workshop/VIA University College. The main objective of the department is to introduce creative teaching strategies, primarily animation, as a didactic, communicative, and pedagogical tool.
ALL/Centre for Education and Animation was founded in 1993 with Hanne Pedersen as the leader. The department has years of practical experience with the use of animation as a didactic tool within every age group. In the beginning, Centre for Education and Animation started out by conducting workshops in Denmark as well as abroad, where children and adolescents learned to make their own animated films. What started out as small, hands-on workshops in animation have turned in to contiguous projects that incorporate interdisciplinary collaboration, and which put ALL in cooperation with not only research scientists, psychologists and teachers, but also with different partners such as universities, as well as local and international authorities.
The brochure presents the main areas of Animated learning, and possibilities for online courses to partners worldwide.
ALL/Centre for Education and Animation was founded in 1993 with Hanne Pedersen as the leader. The department has years of practical experience with the use of animation as a didactic tool within every age group. In the beginning, Centre for Education and Animation started out by conducting workshops in Denmark as well as abroad, where children and adolescents learned to make their own animated films. What started out as small, hands-on workshops in animation have turned in to contiguous projects that incorporate interdisciplinary collaboration, and which put ALL in cooperation with not only research scientists, psychologists and teachers, but also with different partners such as universities, as well as local and international authorities.
The brochure presents the main areas of Animated learning, and possibilities for online courses to partners worldwide.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Publikationsdato | 1 okt. 2020 |
Udgivelsessted | Viborg |
Udgiver | The Animation Workshop/VIA UC |
Udgave | 1 |
Vol/bind | 1 |
Antal sider | 5 |
Status | Udgivet - 1 okt. 2020 |
- Æstetik, design og medier