Consumption of alcohol as an occupation and the relation to mental health and well-being

Nanna Louise Kjær, Mia Hellsten Nissen, Kathrine Skovdal Hansen, Christina Jessen-Winge, Amshuda Sonday, Kim Lee

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterFormidling


Theories and studies of occupational science and occupational therapy show how alcohol abuse is related to damaging well-being and mental health. Many of these studies and theories focus on how occupational therapists can contribute to treatment and recovery from alcohol abuse. Occupations are complex and not always health promoting. Occupations described as harmful to health can be experienced as meaningful and we argue that alcohol consumption should be studied as an occupation and examined how this occupation is related to well-being and mental health. The objective was to examine alcohol consumption as an occupation and if this occupation was perceived to either contribute or deepen the experience of well-being and mental health and to broaden the theme of occupational revolution view on the complexity of occupations. This qualitative study was conducted using two iterations. Iteration one had a deductive approach, and iteration two an inductive approach. In iteration one, four people were interviewed. In iteration two, six people were interviewed. All participants had a previous or current alcohol use. A qualitative content analysis was applied for both iterations.  Results of iteration one showed how the occupation provided a feeling of well-being. Iteration two showed that the occupation did not contribute to mental health as the occupation was performed when having mental health issues.

Publikationsdatoaug. 2022
Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2022
BegivenhedWorld Federation og Occupational Therapists - Paris, Frankrig
Varighed: 28 aug. 202231 aug. 2022


KonferenceWorld Federation og Occupational Therapists
  • WFOT

    Kjær, N. L. (Deltager)

    27 aug. 202231 aug. 2022

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerKonference
