The aim of thestudy is to compare data on the examined populationof informal caregivers of people sufferingfrom dementia with previous studies, aswell as to assess the correlation between (i) depressiondetermined on the basis of the Centerfor Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scaleand (ii) caregiver burden measured by meansof the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and somechosen parameters, such as total time devotedto caregiving, time of caregiving in hours perweek and level of dementia severity measuredby Global Deterioration Scale.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 41 informal caregiversof people suffering from dementia fromdifferent backgrounds were evaluated usingthe Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and the Centerfor Epidemiologic Studies DepressionScale. Demographic data about the time devotedto caregiving and the number of hoursspend on caregiving weekly were gathered. Thetype of dementia and its stage were registeredusing the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS).With the aid of the Statistica StatSoft program,mutual correlations between the parameterswere measured. The study was conducted withinthe framework of AAL UnderstAID – a platformthat supports and helps to understandand assist caregivers in the care of a relativewith dementia. The international project is coEuropeanReview for Medical and Pharmacological SciencesCorrelation between depression and burdenobserved in informal caregivers of peoplesuffering from dementia with time spent oncaregiving and dementia severityA. BEDNAREK1,2, E. MOJS3, A. KRAWCZYK-WASIELEWSKA1,2, K. GŁODOWSKA4,W. SAMBORSKI1, P. LISIńSKI1,2, P. KOPCZYńSKI5, R. GREGERSEN6,J.C. MILLÁN-CALENTI7,81Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 2Ortopedyczno-Rehabilitacyjny Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 im. W. Degi, Poland 3Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 4Department of Social Science, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 5Centre for Orthodontic Miniimplants at the Department and Clinic of Maxillofacial Orthopaedicsand Orthodontics, Pozna University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 6Centre for Research in Aging and Dementia, Faculty of Health Sciences, VIA University Collage,Aarhus N., Denmark 7Research, Development and Innovation Department, Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa,Provincial Association of Pensioners and Retired People from A Coruna, Coruna, Spain 8Gerontology Research Group, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Helath Sciences, Universidadeda Coruna, Coruna, SpainCorresponding Author: Agnieszka Krawczyk-Wasielewska, Ph.D; e-mail: [email protected] 59founded by the Joint Programme Ambient AssistedLiving (Grant code: ESR-aal 2012 5 107).
RESULTS: No significant correlations betweenthe level of depression severity evaluatedin caregivers and the total time of takingcare of a demented person or time of caregivingin hours per week were observed. Similarly,no significant correlation between depressionseverity level and dementia severity level measuredon the GDS scale were noted. There wasalso no significant correlation between ZaritCaregiver Burden Scale scores and the abovementionedparameters.
CONCLUSIONS: The level of depressionamong caregivers do not depend on socio-demographicfactors.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 41 informal caregiversof people suffering from dementia fromdifferent backgrounds were evaluated usingthe Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and the Centerfor Epidemiologic Studies DepressionScale. Demographic data about the time devotedto caregiving and the number of hoursspend on caregiving weekly were gathered. Thetype of dementia and its stage were registeredusing the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS).With the aid of the Statistica StatSoft program,mutual correlations between the parameterswere measured. The study was conducted withinthe framework of AAL UnderstAID – a platformthat supports and helps to understandand assist caregivers in the care of a relativewith dementia. The international project is coEuropeanReview for Medical and Pharmacological SciencesCorrelation between depression and burdenobserved in informal caregivers of peoplesuffering from dementia with time spent oncaregiving and dementia severityA. BEDNAREK1,2, E. MOJS3, A. KRAWCZYK-WASIELEWSKA1,2, K. GŁODOWSKA4,W. SAMBORSKI1, P. LISIńSKI1,2, P. KOPCZYńSKI5, R. GREGERSEN6,J.C. MILLÁN-CALENTI7,81Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 2Ortopedyczno-Rehabilitacyjny Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 im. W. Degi, Poland 3Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 4Department of Social Science, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 5Centre for Orthodontic Miniimplants at the Department and Clinic of Maxillofacial Orthopaedicsand Orthodontics, Pozna University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 6Centre for Research in Aging and Dementia, Faculty of Health Sciences, VIA University Collage,Aarhus N., Denmark 7Research, Development and Innovation Department, Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa,Provincial Association of Pensioners and Retired People from A Coruna, Coruna, Spain 8Gerontology Research Group, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Helath Sciences, Universidadeda Coruna, Coruna, SpainCorresponding Author: Agnieszka Krawczyk-Wasielewska, Ph.D; e-mail: [email protected] 59founded by the Joint Programme Ambient AssistedLiving (Grant code: ESR-aal 2012 5 107).
RESULTS: No significant correlations betweenthe level of depression severity evaluatedin caregivers and the total time of takingcare of a demented person or time of caregivingin hours per week were observed. Similarly,no significant correlation between depressionseverity level and dementia severity level measuredon the GDS scale were noted. There wasalso no significant correlation between ZaritCaregiver Burden Scale scores and the abovementionedparameters.
CONCLUSIONS: The level of depressionamong caregivers do not depend on socio-demographicfactors.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Tidsskrift | European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences |
Vol/bind | 20 |
Udgave nummer | 1 |
Sider (fra-til) | 59-63 |
ISSN | 1128-3602 |
Status | Udgivet - 2016 |
- Sygdom, sundhedsvidenskab og sygepleje