Development of a model system to investigate the effects of surface roughness and media on marine biofilm formation and microbiologically influenced corrosion

Liam Jones, Torben Lund Skovhus, Maria Salta, Jeremy Webb, Julian Wharton, Tim Illison, Kathryn Thomas

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskningpeer review


    The energy sector continues to face corrosion challenges, with significant pipeline failures due to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). This study aims to develop a representative model system in which inoculae relevant to operating pipelines can be cultured to investigate biofilms and MIC on carbon steels. Two identical anaerobic CDC reactors ran simultaneously for 28 days; one inoculated
    with a multi-species marine consortium and the other uninoculated. Carbon steel (UNS G10180) discs were used with two surface roughness profiles, Ra of 1.33±0.71 µm and 0.44±0.03 µm, as received and polished, respectively. Test media were either artificial seawater supplemented with yeast extract (1 g/L)
    or ATCC 1249 growth media. Molecular microbiological assessment, plus optical analysis and electrochemical tests were performed (see Figure 1). As expected, biofilms have a marked impact on the corrosion mechanism and reactor environment. Sulfide concentrations initially increased in the
    inoculated reactors (523±118 µmol/L). Additionally, there was a negative shift in corrosion potential, attributed to microbe attachment and biofilm formation/growth. Localised and shallow pits(see Figure 2)
    were clearly discernible in the biotic media, whereas only uniform corrosion was evident for the abiotic media. Electrochemical impedance was used to characterize the interfacial properties. This study provides insight into the role of biofilm formation on MIC and the importance of using multiple lines of
    evidence (MLOE), incorporating a multidisciplinary approach to develop understanding of the mechanistic relationship between the biofilm and metallic degradation. These insights will support a move towards evidence-based biocide dosing and influence recommendations for new industry standards.
    Publikationsdato27 jun. 2023
    StatusUdgivet - 27 jun. 2023
    9TH international symposium on applied microbiology and molecular biology in oil systems (ISMOS-9): ISMOS-9
    - Edinburgh, Storbritannien
    Varighed: 27 jun. 202330 jun. 2023


    9TH international symposium on applied microbiology and molecular biology in oil systems (ISMOS-9)


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    • PHD: Co-Supervision PhD student Liam Jones with University of Southampton

      Jones, L. (Projektleder), Skovhus, T. L. (Projektdeltager), Salta, M. (Projektdeltager), Thomas, K. (Projektdeltager), Wharton, J. (Projektdeltager), Illison, T. (Projektdeltager) & Webb, J. (Projektdeltager)


      Projekter: ProjektForskning
