Dramatic reflection: enhancing play qualities in a design experiment for inclusive play practices in school

Bidragets oversatte titel: Dramatisk refleksion: Understøttelse af legekvaliteter i et designeksperiment til udvikling af inkluderende legepraksis i skolen.

Hanne Hede Jørgensen, Helle Marie Skovbjerg, Anne Louise Bang

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceartikel i proceedingpeer review


Starting from a codesign project on inclusive, pedagogical play practices in
schools, this paper presents a phenomenological design experiment called Dramatic Reflection. The Dramatic Reflection experiment was created in collaboration with pedagogical teams in two Danish schools for the purpose of exploring pedagogical actions regarding different children’s ability to participate in play. Inclusive pedagogical actions are understood in a holistic and child-centered manner, and children’s play participation is understood as an essential part of their ability to experience relational interdependence within the context of a school. This paper shows how a design experiment for play reflections, Dramatic Reflection, might, due to play qualities such as lightness, travesty, and empathy, nourish the emergence of genuine and meaningful changes within the pedagogical profession. In conclusion, we discuss the relationship
between understanding pedagogical professionalism in schools through play design and the development of play qualities in a concrete design as Dramatic Reflection.
Bidragets oversatte titelDramatisk refleksion: Understøttelse af legekvaliteter i et designeksperiment til udvikling af inkluderende legepraksis i skolen.
TitelProceedings of DRS2022 Bilbao : Design Research Society International Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 25 June – 1 July 2022
RedaktørerDan Lockton, Sara Lenzi, Paul Hekkert, Arlene Oak, Juan Sádaba
Antal sider16
ForlagDesign Research Society
Publikationsdato25 jun. 2022
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-91229-457-2
StatusUdgivet - 25 jun. 2022
BegivenhedDesign Research Society 2022: DRS2022 BILBAO - Bilbao
Varighed: 25 jun. 20223 jul. 2022


KonferenceDesign Research Society 2022
NavnDesign Research Society


  • leg
  • design
  • pædagogisk praksis
  • skole


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