Early detection of diabetes after pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes

Jane Hyldgård Nielsen, Charlotte Overgaard, Christinna Rebecca Olesen, Henrik Bøggild, Christian Torp-Pedersen, Rikke Nørmark Mortensen

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskning


Title: Early detection of diabetes after pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes

Background: Women whose pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes have a 7-fold higher risk of developing diabetes, primarily type 2. 40% of women with a history gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) develops type 2 diabetes within a ten-year period. Early detection can prevent or delay the onset of late complications, for which follow-up screening is important. The women are recommended follow-up screening every 1-2 years after birth do to the potentials in early detection of diabetes and prevention of health consequences for women.

Aims: Examine the extent of participation in follow-up screening in the Danish Region of North Jutland, and the possible consequences of nonattendance.
Methods: A register based study. In Danish national registers 2171 birthing women whose pregnancy was complicated by GDM and their participating in follow-up screening were identified. Diagnosis of diabetes or treatment with glucose-lowering agents after giving birth were also identified.

Results: Attendance in follow-up screening significantly decreased with time after giving birth. Women attending follow-up screening had a significantly higher risk of diabetes diagnosis and treatment after GDM than women not attending. Women with high incomes had a significantly lower risk of diabetes diagnosis or initiation of treatment compared to low-income women.

Conclusion: Participation in follow-up screening after gestational diabetes is low in the North Denmark Region. Follow-up screening ensures early detection of diabetes and initiation of treatment. This emphasizes the importance of development of interventions to improve early detection and prevention of diabetes after gestational diabetes.

StatusUdgivet - 2016
BegivenhedNJF 2016 - Nordisk jordemoderforbunds kongres: NJF 2016 - Nordisk jordemoderforbunds kongres - Göteborg, Göteborg, Sverige
Varighed: 12 maj 201614 maj 2016


KonferenceNJF 2016 - Nordisk jordemoderforbunds kongres


  • Sundhed, ernæring og livskvalitet


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