Elevperspektiver på inklusion i skolen: – “det er så vigtigt at blive spurgt”!

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To raise a child perspective and include the voices of children and adolescents in an evaluation is crucial, but especially so, if you wish to evaluate inclusion in education. The aim of the present study was to explore, how pupils with and without special needs experience inclusions in five different school settings in Silkeborg Municipality. With reference to empirical data from qualitative focus group interviews, the paper demonstrates how pupil’s experiences with social inclusion depend on friendships with peers, a strong sense of social community and a close and attentive pupil-teacher relationship with the learner in the center. Eventually the paper suggests that teachers and pedagogues need to work on their pupil-teacher relationship not only in order to support pupil’s experiences of social inclusion, but also to facilitate optimal, holistic learning.
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)2-16
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 18 mar. 2016
