Exploring the affective domain in the teaching of mathematics: A qualitative study on students’ perspectives on math in the Danish public school (primary education)

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper/skriftligt oplægForskningpeer review


The paper presents the initial constructs of a study being carried out within the Danish public
school (primary education) during the fall of 2015. It is based on a substudy conducted in
connection with a study of the Early Mathematics Intervention Program for Marginal Groups in
Denmark (TMTM i.e. Tidlig Matematikindsats Til Marginalgrupper). The 12-week intervention
was implemented by 82 mathematics teachers in 41 schools in 31 different Danish municipalities.
The presentation focuses on the development of a methodology aimed at capturing young students’
voices and views on mathematics. The methodology forms the basis for a qualitative approach
toward gaining insight into the affective domain, which contributes to a field of research
significantly dominated by quantitative approaches.
Publikationsdato20 nov. 2015
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 20 nov. 2015
