Hvad skal en sundhedsuddannet kunne? Projekt om mellemlange videregående sundhedsuddannelser

Bodil Kirstine Møller

    Publikation: Kandidat/diplom/masterMasterForskningpeer review


    The project addresses the revision of the health educations which the Ministry of Higher Education and
    Science began in 2014.
    The Ministry wanted a revision with a high level of involvement from both recipients and University
    Colleges on a strategic level.
    This project attempts to perform a discourse analysis of the reports and notes which form the background
    for the revision. Furthermore, analysis with new-institutional theory of the process is included. A discursive
    battle is generated between discourses concerning a strong sense of professionalism and inter
    professionalism, which has consequences for the configuration of the health educations
    • Justesen, Lise, Vejleder, Ekstern person
    StatusUdgivet - 3 jan. 2016
