Hvordan kan elever på 10-11 år deltage i tilberedning og servering af LOMA-skolemad til deres kammerater? Et casestudie

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


Abstract: This chapter is a case study of student participation in planning, preparing and serving meals for peers (10-11-year-olds). It is a single-case study with
a special focus on how participation in the LOMA-local food program promotes
health, well-being, ‘food-courage’ and enthusiasm among children. Qualitative
data was collected via video and analyzed through application of sociocultural
and ethnographic methods. The recording was conducted at Ørkildskolen in
Svendborg Municipality, Denmark, in March 2021. The study documents how
a kitchen manager, skilled in both high-volume cooking and innovative, pedagogical methods, facilitated involvement of students in the preparation of school
meals for peers. Students developed enthusiasm, social relations, self-efficacy, and
food- and health-related action competence as a result of the kitchen manager’s
pedagogical, collaborative and caring approach. The implication of these results
is that 10-12-year-old students’ involvement in preparing, cooking and serving
school food for their peers ought to be included in pedagogical and didactic planning to a higher degree. Furthermore, education of kitchen staff ought to include
pedagogical theory and practical collaboration with teachers in schools in order to promote students’ learning from and through food. The implication is that such
initiatives would contribute to reduction of social inequality in health and learning among students.
TitelLæring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen: : Teori og praksis fra Danmark, Sverige og Norge
RedaktørerDorte Ruge, Frøydis Nordgård Vik, Johanna Bjørklund, Sara Fröden
Antal sider22
ForlagCappelen Damm Akademisk
ISBN (Trykt)9788202755423
StatusUdgivet - 2023
