Integration of Food and Nutrition Education Across the Secondary School Curriculum: Two Experiential Models as Two Case Studies.

Bidragets oversatte titel: Integration af mad og ernæringsundervisning på tværs af curriculum i udskoling

Dorte Ruge, Shirin Shakiri

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The aim of this paper is to present the implementation and evaluation of two recognised programs, one from Australia and one from Denmark, that endeavour to integrate and enhance food and nutrition education across the secondary school curriculum and whole school programs. This paper details descriptions of design, delivery mode, core components and evaluation of each program based on existing detailed reports and original research investigations. Resultantly, one program in Australia (Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program) and one program in Denmark (LOMA or LOkal MAd = local food) are reported as two case studies. The target group for both programs is secondary school students in Years 7–12; both programs are conducted within secondary schools and within school hours. Both interventions focus on developing secondary students’ food production and food preparation knowledge and skills. Their evaluation methods have consisted of pre- and post-intervention surveys, single case study, and focus groups with both students and teachers. Both programs have reported possible integration across secondary school subjects and modifications in students’ knowledge and skills in food and nutrition. These programs have focused on developing an experiential and localised learning model for food and nutrition education, which may also address food insecurity concerns among adolescents which has been shown to correlate with poor nutrient intake and consequential health complications. Their overall model can be adapted taking into account the social, economic, and environmental context of a secondary school.

Bidragets oversatte titelIntegration af mad og ernæringsundervisning på tværs af curriculum i udskoling
Artikelnummervol. 9, 6
TidsskriftJournal of Education and Training Studies
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)57
Antal sider67
StatusUdgivet - 19 jun. 2021
