Kritiske teoriers analysekraft i rapport om sundhedsprofessionelles uddannelsesbehov

Kristian Larsen, Karin Højbjerg

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This chapter aims to show the potential of theory to facilitate a criticalcontribution to decision makers on health care issues. The starting pointis the work of a report on how medium cycle health care educationprograms could deliver future-proof, relevant competences to futurehealth care in Denmark. The authors of this chapter were involvedin this report upon request from the unions of Danish health care professionals. In this chapter the underlying critical sociological andpedagogical theories are made explicit. The authors deconstruct naturalizedconceptions of how health care professionals think about themselves,and argue that it is optional to go beyond naturalized assumptionsof health and care. Rather than reacting to specific competences definedby others, it is shown how critical theories can facilitate a pro-activeview, and give examples on how everyday and political constructionssuppress nursing, physiotherapy etc. Critical theories have the potentialto enhance a critical attitude among health care professionals. Publichealthcare cannot afford to let students work solely with applied sciencesmeant for simple implementation. Health care is a complex anddynamic business requiring skilled professionals at all levels – also whenit comes to contributing to influential decisionmakingprocesses.
TitelKritiske perspektiver i helsefagene : Utdanning, yrkespraksis og forskning
RedaktørerMarte Feiring, Truls I. Juritzen, Ingrid Ruud Knutsen, Kristian Larsen
Antal sider28
ForlagCappelen Damm
Publikationsdato1 aug. 2017
ISBN (Trykt)978-82-02-55031-9-PDF
StatusUdgivet - 1 aug. 2017
Udgivet eksterntJa


  • Latour
  • bourdieu
  • critique
  • education
  • foucault
  • healthcare
