Non pharmacological nursing care addressing urinary disorders following acquired brain injury during in hospital rehabilitation - A scoping review

Lisbeth Fog, Mette Nørtoft Nielsen, Lena Aadal

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review


Approximately 10 million first-ever strokes and 27 million new cases of traumatic brain injury occur in the world annually. Urinary disorders are frequent after an
acquired moderate to severe brain injury and rehabilitation requires multidisciplinary contributions where each member has a strong professional identity. Nurses are
a significant member of the rehabilitation team, but their contributions has been found vague and unclear.
This scoping review in six steps focuses on the nurses' contribution in addressing urinary disorders during hospital based rehabilitation. 178 studies were identified in
five databases using the PICO tool, Bolerian terms and MESH words and 19 were included
Rehabilitation of urinary disorders is complex and require interdisciplinary efforts. Descriptions of nurses mono-professional contributions are scarce especially
among teaching, facilitation of skills and psychological care. Supervision from specialist nurses, systematic assessment and examination of the patient's urinary
symptoms is a prerequisite continence-promoting interventions. Nurses contributions vary between specific types of urinary disorders but patients with physical
disturbances may need compensatory treatment, aids, physical support and adapted intake while patients with cognitive consequences of ABI may need an organized
rehabilitating environment of reminding, visualizing or regular assistance to use the toilet to facilitate continence
TidsskriftNursing and Palliative care
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)1-5
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 20 maj 2019
